Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, Et Al: A Compendium of Evils

  • Dark Horse Books
  • Erschienen: Mai 2024
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Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, Et Al: A Compendium of Evils
Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, Et Al: A Compendium of Evils
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Available for the first time in paperback!

A world-class hero confronts ancient “supernatural” evils in an adventure that spans entire planets and defies everyday notions of reality!

Still mourning the losses of his beloved Penny Priddy and his surrogate father Professor Hikita, Buckaroo Banzai must also contend with the constant threat of attack from his immortal nemesis Hanoi Xan, ruthless leader of the World Crime League. To make matters worse, Planet 10 warrior queen John Emdall has sent her Lectroid legions against Earth with a brutal ultimatum. Or is her true target Buckaroo Banzai? As the apocalyptic threats continue to mount, only Buckaroo and his Hong Kong Cavaliers stand in the way of global destruction.

As told by the Reno Kid to Buckaroo Banzai chronicler E.M. Rauch, this tale follows everyone’s favorite scientist-surgeon-entertainer-daredevil as he sets off on a brand-new hair-raising adventure!

Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, Et Al: A Compendium of Evils

E. M. Rauch, Dark Horse Books

Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, Et Al: A Compendium of Evils

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